As with any asphalt-based repair material, QPR must be allowed to cure prior to the application of any sealer type product. Just as you wouldn’t apply a second coat of paint before the first coat dries, you’ll need to allow QPR to ‘dry’, as well. Curing time depends on the climatic conditions at the time, but as a general rule your patch should be ready to seal in 6 months. The more compaction the patch gets, the more rapidly it will cure. A quick ‘feel test’ used by many pros is to simply place your hand on the patch. If it is still tacky, more cure time is required. If it is dry to the touch, and appears somewhat dull, rather than shiny, the patch may be sealed or treated. Remember, cosmetically, QPR is as black as the sealer you are using, so the appearance of your driveway, parking lot or patched area, will look as good as new.